Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Un-Creative Mind Dump

Hey, lemme ask you a question.

What do Koreans do when they're depressed?
<looks left, looks right>

And that concludes all creativity that I'll be producing this week.

No seriously, I won't have enough energy to create anything. Why, you ask? BECAUSE OF THE DREADED BEAST CALLED FINALS! So those who've battled this monster know what I'm going through. To those who don't, it usually comes with a splitting headache, a mental breakdown, and the wish that these things never existed. But, hey, you never know; I might come up with something to show you guys. Just keep an eye out for any updates.

Anyway, I'll go back to doing nothing because my brain is 100% fried. I wish you well and give you lots of hugs and chocolate through the Internets.
<3, RS

P.S. Here's something to cheer you up while you wait for me to do something:

Psy Pusheen has more than two arms! 0_0

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